

Sa Bang Jeok Sul Geom Beop

Loosely translated as "Universal Sword Skills Against the Crowd" this form embodies all of the basic skills of basic Korean Swordsmanship using the Korean Ye-Do.

a. Attention Stance

b. Bow

c. Unsheathe from left side.

d. Resheath to right side

e. Ready Position 


1. Ready stance.

Sword is held in the left hand with the thumb of the left hand pressed lightly against the sword guard (k'o dung I), facing the 12 o’clock position.


2. Prepare to draw.

Step forward one step with the right foot as the right hand grasps the handle of the sword and rotates it 90 degrees.


3. Draw the sword.

With a balanced effort of draw with the right hand and push with the left thumb the sword is drawn at a 45 degree angle across

the body.


4. Middle Guard Position (Jun Dase)

Weight is evenly distributed on the feet with the heel of the left foot slightly off the floor.  Knees are straight, but not locked. The back is straight and

the shoulders are square to the front. The tip of the sword is pointed at the opponent's throat.


5A. Forward Push step.

Moving from a center of gravity just below the waist, and pressing firmly with the ball of the rear foot, step forward with the right foot, and maintaining contact with the floor. Draw the left leg forward to complete the step


6. Grounded Thrust 

Sword rotates 90 degrees as thrust is executed resulting in the back of the right hand being uppermost on the sword handle. This thrust is not actually grounded as there are only two points in contact with the ground rather than the usual three. The knee while deeply flexed does not touch the ground. This thrust targets the ribs of the opponent.


7. Retract the Thrust

Drawing back the right foot, the sword is retracted towards the shoulder rather than Middle Guard position. This is accomplished by first raising the sword straight above the shoulder to release tension in the sleeve.


8. High Guard position

The sword descends into High Guard position as the toes of the point to the 9 o’clock position.


9. Prepare to execute Straight Descending Cut.

The sword is raised directly overhead and the left foot moves a quarter-step forward. The cut is begun at the hip, followed by the shoulder and lastly, the sword.


10. Forward Advance.

The sword cut follows a straight path which is momentarily raised as the right step allows the hips to be elevated to maximum height for producing the greatest power in the cut.


11A. Completion of strike.

The completion of the forward step with the right foot cues the descent of the sword stroke. Weight is distributed approximately 60% (front leg) to 40% (rear leg). The cut is executed all the way to a point approximately 6 inches off the floor and just inside the right knee.


12A. Middle Guard Position.

The sword blade rises from the completion of the cut to Jun Dase, briefly, before continuing to rise into Tiger Posture, which is also transitional into Rearward Thrust.


13. Initiate Thrust.

As the sword rises into and through the Tiger posture, the right foot is retracted slowly into position beside the left foot providing a solid anchor from which to begin the rearward bend for the next technique.

14. Follow through.

Maintaining eye contact with the surrounding floor using peripheral vision, continue to bend rearwards until the back of the head is parallel to the floor.

15A. Completion of Thrust.  (SHOUT)

Rotating about the axis of the body and stepping to the 3 o’clock position with the right foot, the sword grip is allowed to rotate in the right hand so as to maintain the sword edge in position towards the ceiling.

  15B. Weight is distributed approximately 80%

(Front leg) to 20% (rear leg) in an extended forward stance. The target of this thrust is the base of the throat where it joins the chest. The sword is pointing directly to the 3 o’clock position.



The arms remain extended as the right leg is drawn back causing the sword to retract slightly from full extension.


16B. The blade continues to retract towards the left shoulder with the edge of the blade directed out past the left shoulder. The sword will arrive at this position as the left foot finishes its retraction.


17. Preparation for Descending Steep Cut

Pointing the toes to the 6 o’clock position, the head and eyes follow to the same direction followed by the blade which is turned smoothly in the left hand by a firm grip of the right hand. The edge of the sword lags behind the direction of the eyes by about 90 degrees.


18. Initiate Descending Steep Cut.

Moving from a center of gravity just below the waist, and maintaining the sword position, steps forward with the right foot, maintaining contact

with the floor, towards the 6 o’clock position.


19. Follow through.                                                  

The sword descends at approximately a 60 degree angle as the right foot completes its step.


20. Completing the Descending Cut (SHOUT)

Facing directly to the 6’oclock position, the sword completes its cut 6 inches off the floor, and to the outside of the right knee. 60% of the body weight is on the right foot.


21. Recovery.

The sword blade is elevated to Middle Guard Position.


22. First Rearward Push-step.

Pressing rearward with the ball of the right foot the left foot steps back a half-step.


23. Second Rearward Push-step.

Pressing rearward with the ball of the right foot the left foot steps back a half-step.


24. Initiate Thrust

The sword is elevated to approximately a 75 degree angle with the edge of the sword directed at the 6 o’clock position. At the same time the right foot is retracted nearly even with the left foot.


25. Follow through.

Gripping firmly with the right hand, the sword handle rotates within the grasp of the left hand as the tip of the sword drops to a horizontal position. The right foot is set on the ball of the foot.


26. Thrust completion

Stepping out with the right foot towards the 9 o’clock position, the left hand firmly grasps the handle of the sword as the sword rotates within the grip of the right hand. The target of the thrust is the opponents’ bladder.


27. Retract sword.

The sword is drawn in towards the center as the blade is raised from the thrust position.


28. High Guard Position

The sword reaches High Guard position (left) and the right foot is raised slightly on the ball of the foot as the right hand rotates the sword handle in the left grip.


29. Initiate Cut

Stepping towards the 12 o’clock position, the left hand now rotates the sword within the right grip. The edge of the sword is now directed approximately at the 8 o’clock position. Drawing towards the center, the sword tip begins to descend into the cut.


30. Grounding

Execute a grounding posture by stepping into an extended right forward stance and using the left knee as the third of the 3 grounding points. The sword is pointing at the 8 o’clock position.


31. Follow through.

The sword cut follows a path slightly sharper than 30 degrees targeting the area at the base of the opponent’s knee where the target is located at the 11 o’clock position.


32A. Completion of strike.

In a grounded position the sword rises past shoulder level. Weight is distributed approximately 60% (front leg) to 40% (rear leg) with the edge of the sword extending from the right shoulder 30 degrees to the outside and elevated 30 degrees, rising to 45 degrees as tension is exerted on the left knee beginning to draw it forward.


33A. Recovery

The initial tension in the left knee becomes a draw, allowing one to come to there feet slowly as the sword descends to a 30 degree angle for the floor.



33B. From a position approximately 10 inches from the floor the sword begins to ascend to High Guard Position. The path of travel for the sword blade is approximately that of the letter “V” as it first descends from the cut, then ascends to High Guard position.


34. High Guard Position

The toes of the right foot are pointing at the 3 o’clock position.


35. Initiate Steep Descending Cut

With a half-step forward with the right foot, pitch the sword in preparation for the cut.


36. Follow Through

Continue downward stroke as the right foot completes its forward step.


37. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

Sword continues to cut terminating at a position approximately 6 inches off the floor and slightly outside the right knee. Approximately 60% of the weight in on the right foot.


38. Recovery

The left foot is drawn forward such that the balls of the left and right foot are even. The sword blade is elevated to High Guard position though slightly more to the outside of the shoulder rather than in its usual place in front of the shoulder.


39. Initiate Horizontal Cut

Executing a push step, the right foot moves towards the 6 o’clock position. The sword blade has dropped from a near vertical to almost horizontal position within the first few inches of the cut maximizing the greatest position of the cut to be traversed in a horizontal rather than a descending angular plane.


40. Follow Through.

The travel of the Horizontal cut is from the 4 o’clock to nearly 9 o’clock position with the power generated by a balance between the hips and the stomach (abdominal oblique) muscles.


41. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

Having reached the 9 o’clock position the sword immediately begins to transition into position for a Descending Straight Cut to be executed towards the 6 o’clock position.


42. Initiate Descending Cut

In the case of this combination of techniques, the recovery from the Horizontal Cut is one in the same with initiation of the Descending cut. Simultaneously with the raising of the sword to High Guard Position, the left foot has already stepped forward beginning the Descending Cut.


43A. Follow Through

Circling slightly to the outside of the shoulder the sword is raised to a high striking posture as a Push Step is executed advancing the right foot forward.


43B. Nearly simultaneously with completion of the Forward Push the sword travels its downward cut. The nature of this combination is that the Horizontal cut is immediately followed by the Vertical Cut in two smooth, rapid techniques.


44. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

The cut stops approximately 6 inches off the floor with approximately 60% of the weight on the forward foot.



Maintaining the sword in the same position as at the end of the Descending Cut, the sword is rolled sharply to the right as the first of two Rearward Push steps is executed.


45B. At the execution of the second Rearward Push Step the sword blade is rolled in exactly the opposite direction, and snapped sharply to the left.


46. Recovery

Recover the sword to Middle Guard position, simultaneously retracting the right foot to a position even with the left foot. 


47. Prepare to execute cut.

Elevating the sword only slightly from the Middle Guard position, the right foot steps out towards the 12 o’clock position resulting in a unique transfer of the sword from a guard posture to cutting position as the body rotates behind the stationary sword.

                                                                                                                                                                     48. Initiate Grounded Horizontal Cut.

Executing a push step, the right foot moves into an elongated stance as the left knee lowers to the floor towards the 12 o’clock position. The sword blade has dropped from a near vertical to almost horizontal position within the first few inches of the cut maximizing the greatest position of the cut to be traversed in a horizontal rather than a descending angular plane.


49. Follow Through.

The travel of the Horizontal cut is from the

10 o’clock to nearly 3 o’clock position with the power generated by a balance between the hips and the stomach (abdominal oblique) muscles.


50. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

Having reached the 3 o’clock position the sword immediately begins to transition into position for a Descending Straight Cut to be executed towards the 6 o’clock position.


51. Cleaning

At the completion of the cut a short, sharp snap of the blade of about 6 inches is executed with the intent of removing debris from the blade.


52A. Recovery

Drawing the rear leg forward and under the hips, rise from the grounded position to Middle Guard position.


53. First Walking Step

Stepping with the right foot. execute one walking step towards the 12 o’clock, maintaining Middle Guard Position.


54.Second Walking Step

Stepping with the left foot. execute one walking step towards the 12 o’clock, maintaining Middle Guard Position.


55.Third Walking Step

Stepping with the right foot. execute one walking step towards the 12 o’clock, maintaining Middle Guard Position.


56. Preparation to Turn

Maintaining Middle Guard Position, draw the left leg nearly even with the right and begin to raise the sword to High Guard Position. Retract the sword to a shallow angle extending across and just in front of the hips.  The right foot is drawn back even with and a foot width to the side of the left foot


57. Turn

Pivoting on the ball of the right foot to face the 6 o’clock position, the sword is at High Guard position and the left knee is raised and pointed at a 45 degree angle to approximately the 7 o’clock position.


58. Initiate Cut

Stepping out with the left foot initiate Descending Straight cut.


59. Follow Through

As the sword continues to descend a quick Walking Step with the right foot is executed.


60. Completion

The cut is completed to a level approximately 6 inches off the floor. 60% of the weight is on the right foot.



Drawing the left foot forward, raise the sword to Middle Guard position.


62.Preparation for Thrust

As the left foot is drawn even with the right foot, the sword blade is raised to a low “Tiger” position with the blade nearly vertical and approximately two fist-widths from the nose and the space between the two hands even with the navel.


63. Initiate Thrust

Dropping the sword tip to the left, the hands move slightly to the right as the left foot steps out to the left.


64. Follow Through

Driving the hands from in front of the right hip to a position in front of the left hip, the sword thrusts directly at the  3 o’clock position with a slight lean of the hip in that direction. The sword blade is flat.


65. Recovery

Drawing back slightly with the hip, the sword blade is raised to the vertical position. The left foot is likewise drawn back slightly.


66. Initiate Thrust

Dropping the sword tip to the right, the hands move slightly to the left as the right foot steps out to the 9 o’clock position.


67. Completion

In a single steady motion the right leg steps out into a forward stance as the sword thrusts down to bladder level. In this case the sword blade has rotated during execution of the thrust to an edge-up position.


68. Recovery

As the right foot is retracted slightly, so also is the sword retracted slightly from the thrust and is slowly raised to a High Guard position.


69. Preparation to Turn

With the right foot continuing to point at the 9 o’clock position, the head turns to face the 12 o’clock position and in unison with the head the sword blade also turns to face the 12 o’clock position


70. Initiate Turn and Cut

Stepping out with the right foot to the 12 o’clock position, initiate Steep Descending Cut.


71. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

Cut is completed with the sword blade approximately one foot from the floor and to the outside of the right knee.                                                                                                                                                   

72. Recovery

Return to Middle Guard position facing the 12 o’clock position.


73 A. Initiate “Rising Sun” Form

Raise sword slowly overhead to Straight Descending Cut position. Steps 72 through 78 are executed with slow, deliberate movement.


74 A. Turn

Maintaining a cutting posture the right foot is redirected in an economical curve to the left to face the 6 o’clock position by pivoting on the ball of the left foot.


 75 A. Middle Guard Position

The sword is lowered from the overhead position to Middle Guard position slowly.


76 A. Initiate Second Turn

From a Middle Guard position, raise the sword overhead to Straight Descending Cut position.


77. Second Turn

Maintaining a cutting posture, the right foot is redirected in an economical curve to the right (to face the 12 o’clock position) by pivoting on the ball of the left foot.


78 A. Recover to Middle Guard Position

Facing the 12 o’clock position the sword is lowered to Middle Guard position.


79. Middle Guard position


80. Three Technique Combination

From Middle Guard position execute the next three techniques in rapid succession beginning with a straight thrust targeting the opponent’s ribs.


81. Haft Strike

Stepping at a 45 degree oblique angle with the left foot (to 10 o’clock position) executes a haft strike beginning at chest level and rising to the throat.


82A. Shallow Descending Cut

Stepping forward with the right foot, retract the sword overhead. Second Turn


82B. Initiate Cut

Stepping at a 45 degree oblique angle with the right foot (to the 2 o’clock position) initiates a Shallow Descending Cut.


82C. Execute  Shallow Descending Cut

Facing the 2 o’clock position the sword descends at an angle from upper left (10 o’clock) to lower right (4 o’clock) and recovers to Middle Guard position.


83. Middle Guard Position


84. Initiate Tiger Posture

Facing the 12 o’clock position raise the sword to just past vertical such that the sword guard is about even with the tip of the nose and about a fist width from the nose.


85. Tiger Posture


86A. Initiate Turn

Maintaining Tiger posture, pivot clockwise on the ball of the left foot to face the 6 o’clock position.


87A. Second Turn

Maintaining the Tiger posture, pivot counter-clockwise on the ball of the left foot back to face the 12 o’clock position. a Middle Guard position the right foot is redirected about 30 degrees to the left (7 o’clock position), causing the hips to redirect about the same amount. The left foot is adjusted accordingly.


87B. Recovery to Middle Guard Position

Facing the 12 o’clock position, lower the sword from Tiger posture to Middle Guard position.


88. Middle Guard Position

From this Guard position the next 5 techniques are executed crisply in rapid succession.


89. Middle Level Thrust

From a Middle Guard position, step forward with the right foot, executing a middle level thrust to the 12 o’clock position, targeting the opponents’ chest.


90. Recovery

Retracting the right foot, the sword is raised to Left High Guard position.


91A. Steep Descending Cut

Stepping out with the right foot towards the 2 o’clock position the sword descends from high left (11 o’clock) to lower right (5 o’clock) position.


91B. (SHOUT)


92. Recovery

The sword is raised following the path of the descending cut from lower right to upper left as the left foot half-steps out towards the 10 o’clock position.


93. Initiate Steep Descending Cut

The sword is raised overhead as half-step by left foot is completed. As sword begins to descend the right foot begins a single full step to the 10 o’clock position.


94A. Cut Follow-through

The sword descends from the upper right (1 o’clock position) to lower left (7 o’clock position) as the right foot completes the single walking step.


94B. Cut Completion (SHOUT)

Facing the 10 o’clock position with the right foot forward and the sword tip about 6 inches from the floor.


95. Recovery

Retract sword to Inside Parry position drawing the right foot back.                                                                               

96. Initiate Rearward Thrust

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot the right foot is drawn back to the left foot and then past it as the weight is transferred from one leg to the other. The sword tip drops from Inside Parry position in front of the shoulder to a horizontal position with the back of the blade resting on the upper arm just above the elbow.


97A. Rearward Thrust

With the toes of both feet directed at the 10 o’clock position, execute a rearward thrust to the 40’clock position including a half step with the right foot in the direction of the thrust, followed immediately by a recovering half-step and retraction of the sword.



 98. Initiate Turning - Straight Ascending Cut

Executing a half step with the left foot, the sword is raised to a Straight Descending Cut overhead.


99. Initiate Straight Descending Cut

From Straight Descending cut position cut forward and straight down as though performing the Straight Descending Cut as a single technique.


100. Follow Through

As the sword passes the Middle Guard position both feet remain in their original position without the customary advance associated with the Straight Descending Cut.


101. Initiate Turn

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, the downward momentum of the sword carries the blade through that area formerly occupied by the right leg which has pivoted back and clockwise to the hips.


102. Straight Ascending Cut

The sword begins the Straight Ascending Cut from its position parallel to the left leg and in a straight line from floor to ceiling in the direction of the 6 o’clock position.


103A. Reversal to Descending Straight Cut

Having reached the apex of the cut, the blade scribes a tight circle as the blade edge is turned over.                                                                                


104A. Initiate Descending Straight Cut

With the completion of the rotation and the edge of the sword directed at the 6 o’clock position, the sword begins a Straight Descending Cut.


104B Follow Through


104C. Cut Completion


105. Middle Guard Position


106. Address to the Left

Maintaining Middle Guard position, reposition left foot with the toes pointing to the 5 o’clock position. Shift alignment of the body to face the 5 o’clock position as the right foot moves to align with the left foot. 


107. Recovery

Maintaining Middle Guard position, reposition right foot with the toes pointing to the 6 o’clock position. Shift alignment of the body to face the 6 o’clock position as the left foot moves to align with the right foot. 


108. Address to the Right

Maintaining Middle Guard position, reposition right foot with the toes pointing to the 7 o’clock position. Shift alignment of the body to face the 7 o’clock position as the left foot moves to align with the right foot.


109. Recovery

Maintaining Middle Guard position, reposition left foot with the toes pointing to the 6 o’clock position. Shift alignment of the body to face the 6 o’clock position as the right foot moves to align with the left foot. 


110. Retreat

Initiate retreat, maintaining Middle Guard position, with a half step rearward with the left foot.


111. Retreat

Continue retreat by executing a walking step backwards with the right foot. Maintain Middle Guard position.                                                                           

112. Retreat

Continue retreat by executing a last walking step backwards with the left foot. Maintain Middle Guard position.


113. Retreat

Complete retreat by executing a half-step backwards with the right foot bringing both feet even and slightly apart.


114. Initiate Turning Straight Ascending Cut

Executing a half step to the rear with the left foot, the sword is raised to a Straight Descending Cut overhead.


115A. Initiate Straight Descending Cut

From Straight Descending cut position cut forward and straight down as though performing the Straight Descending Cut as a single technique.


115B. Follow Through

As the sword passes the Middle Guard position both feet remain in their original position without the customary advance associated with the Straight Descending Cut.


115C. Initiate Turn

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, the downward momentum of the sword carries the blade through that area formerly occupied by the right leg which has pivoted back and clockwise to the hips.


115D. Straight Ascending Cut

The sword begins the Straight Ascending Cut from its position parallel to the left leg and in a straight line from floor to ceiling in the direction of the 12 o’clock position.


115E. Reversal to Descending Straight Cut

Having reached the apex of the cut, the blade scribes a tight circle as the blade edge is turned over.                                                                                


116A. Straight Descending Cut

With the completion of the rotation and the edge of the sword directed at the 12 o’clock position, execute a Straight Descending Cut and recover to Middle Guard Position.


117. Middle Guard Position.


118. Low Tiger posture.

Maintaining a Middle Guard position the right foot is

redirected about 30 degrees to the left (6 o’clock position), causing the hips to redirect about the same amount. The left foot is adjusted accordingly. The following techniques are accomplished with steady methodical precision.


119A. Initiate Thrust

The sword tip drops from Tiger posture and the blade is horizontal, the tip pointing to the 8 o’clock position and the back of the blade resting on the upper arm just above the elbow.


119B. Completion.

The stance is broadened by stepping towards the 8 o’clock position and the sword tip thrust approximately 8 inches.



120. Recovery

Retract the left foot from the 8 o’clock position and raise the sword tip towards the High Guard Position


121A. Steep Descending Cut - Right

The right foot steps out to the 2 o’clock position. From High Guard position the sword is raised high over the left shoulder to begin a downward cut from the upper left (11 o’clock) to the lower right (5 o’clock) position.


121B. (SHOUT)


122. Recovery

The left foot is drawn forward to the right foot with the toes facing at the 10 o’clock position as the sword is raised to and through the High Guard position at the right shoulder.


123A. Parry

Raising the sword to a cutting position requires a re-orientation of the sword edge to the new cutting line. This is accomplished with a very tight circling motion which might be used to parry an in-coming attack.


124A. Steep Descending Cut - Left

The left foot steps out to the 10 o’clock position. From High Guard position the sword is raised high over the right shoulder to begin a downward cut from the upper right (1 o’clock) to the lower left (7 o’clock) position.


124B. (SHOUT)                                                                  


125. Recovery

Retracting the right foot, the sword is likewise retracted through the Inside Parry position though with the sword tip depressed somewhat in anticipation of taking a horizontal position.


126A. Initiate Thrust

The sword tip drops from  Inside Parry position and the blade is horizontal, the tip pointing to the 4 o’clock position and the back of the blade resting on the upper arm just above the elbow.


126B. Completion.

The stance is broadened by stepping towards the 4 o’clock position with the right foot, the sword tip thrusting approximately 8 inches.


127. Recovery

Retract the right foot from the 4 o’clock position and raise the sword tip towards the High Guard Position.


128A. Turning Straight Ascending Cut

Moving through High Guard position the sword is raised overhead to Straight Descending cut position as though to execute Straight Descending Cut as an individual technique.


128B. Initiate Descending Cut

Both feet remain in their original position without the customary advance associated with the Straight Descending Cut.


128C.Initiate Turn

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, the downward momentum of the sword carries the blade through that area formerly occupied by the right leg which has pivoted back and clockwise to the hips.


128D. Straight Ascending Cut

The sword begins the Straight Ascending Cut from its position parallel to the left leg and in a straight line from floor to ceiling in the direction of the 12 o’clock position.


128E. Reversal to Descending Straight Cut

Having reached the apex of the cut, the blade scribes a tight circle as the blade edge is turned over.                                                                                


129A. Straight Descending Cut

With the completion of the rotation and the edge of the sword directed at the 12 o’clock position, execute a Straight Descending Cut and recover to Middle Guard Position.


129B. (SHOUT)


130. Middle Guard Position


131. Preparation for Ascending Cut

Rolling the sword 90 degrees about it access, and pivoting on the ball of the left foot, the right foot steps to the rear.


132A. Shallow Ascending Cut

Execute Shallow Ascending Cut from the 8 o’clock to the 1 o’clock position.


132B. (SHOUT)


133. Middle Guard Position


134A. Preparation for Rearward Thrust

From Middle Guard Position, transition through Tiger posture by dropping the sword tip to point towards the 5 o’clock position.


135. Rearward Thrust

Execute thrust to the 5 o’clock position utilizing the hips rather than the shoulders. Travel of the sword tip should not exceed 5 to 8 inches.


136A. Preparation for Steep Descending Cut.

Elevate sword from position of horizontal thrust over the shoulder to Superior Guard position; the hips rotate and the left foot moves approximately a half-step in the 10 o’clock position.


137A. Steep Descending Cut.

Stepping forward with the right foot towards the 10 o’clock position, initiate the cut.


137B. (SHOUT)


138. Preparation for the Straight Descending Cut

Pivoting on the balls of both feet, the left foot steps out to the 6 o’clock position as the sword is rotated clockwise about its axis so that the edge also faces the 6 o’clock position, resulting in a Low Guard position.              


139A. Straight Descending Cut

Shifting the weight from the right floor to the left foot, the sword is elevated to the outside and over the right shoulder to an overhead cutting position. Initiate the Straight Descending Cut in unison with a single step with the right foot.


139B. (SHOUT)


140. High Guard Position

Elevate the sword from completion of the cut, through the Middle Guard Position to left High Guard Position.


141A. Turn and Cut

Pivoting on the ball of the left foot, and stepping with the right foot, turns to face the 12 o’clock position                                                                            


141B. (SHOUT)                                                             


142A. Preparation for a Rearward Thrust

From Middle Guard position, transition through Tiger posture by dropping the sword tip towards the 5 o’clock position. Execute thrust to the 5 o’clock position utilizing the hips and limiting the actual thrust to approximately 5 to 8 inches travel. Retract slightly for completion.                                         


143. Transition

From the horizontal thrusting position, elevate the sword to Superior Guard position.                                                                              


144. Superior Guard Position

In anticipation of a turn, the hips are raised slightly and the left foot advances a quarter-step.


145A. 180 Degree Pivot

Maintaining a Superior Guard Position, the right foot steps forward, followed immediately by a pivot on the ball of the right foot and a broad sweep of the left foot to face the 6 o’clock position. The sword is lowered to the Middle Guard position.


146. Middle Guard Position


147A. Final Advance

Beginning with the right foot, presently in forward position, execute three quick short walking steps.         


147B. Second Step


147C. Third Step


148A. Resheathing the Sword

Facing the 6 o’clock position executes Resheathing protocol.


149A. Final Turn

From Ready Position, pivoting on the ball of the left foot, step across with the right foot and turn to face the 12 o’clock position.


150. Ready Position