Yon Mu Kwan



"We as members, train our spirits and bodies according to a strict Code.

We as members are united in mutual friendship.

We as members, comply with regulations and obey instructors."

The kun, or oath, of the Yon Mu Kwan is intended to foster an atmosphere in which the purposes of the kwan may be pursued for the benefit of the individual and their community. The institution of the "kwan" is reflected in the traditional educational system of Korean history. Incorrectly translated as "style" by some sources and "gym" by other sources, the traditional kwan may or may not be related to martial arts. Rather a kwan is a title given to a group of people who share a particular purpose or goal and agree on the venue or activity for accomplishing that goal.

The Yon Mu Kwan, proceeding from the martial training experience of GM Kwang Sik Myung, was instituted to protect the finest Korean martial traditions through regular and continuous examination of those traditions. Organized around the Mu-Do of the Hapkido arts, the Hapkido of the Yon Mu Kwan (i.e. "place of martial striving") seeks to delve ever deeper into the martial science and traditions of the Korean culture. As the name indicates, the group that meets under this banner seeks to ever refine these arts and traditions by repeated polishing and investigation.

Just as the Dochang Kun identifies the atmosphere in which kwan members work, the Four Endeavors------ Development, Research, Integrity and Service ----- reflect the areas through which kwan members focus their energy to produce a greater good for each other and their community.

Development: By agreeing to change, and to greet that change in an organized and fearless manner, a kwan member agrees to do more than simply take circumstances as they are presented. Instead a kwan member seeks to face down his concerns regarding the process of change, to agree that all things are temporary and to encourage change for the benefit of himself, fellow kwan members and his community.

Research: Change merely for its own sake or for novelty rarely serves the best interests of the community. For this reason, change needs to be the result of intelligent and thoughtful consideration. An examination of varied views, the consideration of consequences, the integrity of existing conditions and the benefits of introducing new conditions all must be processed.

Integrity: The act of translating development and research into action requires that a person identify their position in this act. Neither the growth of the community, changes in its policies or institutions, or influences on its members can be done without a direction. This direction cannot be determined without knowing where individuals are positioned relative to the issues in question. It is the responsibility of the kwan member to make his position known, to stand-by that position and to accept accountability for that position. It is fundamental to the motives of kwan members that they uniformly express their beliefs through their actions, and that their actions proceed directly from their beliefs.

Service: The kwan and its members form a symbiotic relationship in which members are supported and coordinated through the kwan and the kwan is respected, supported and promoted through its members. However, the ultimate purpose of the kwan is to produce a vibrant and vital community in which each person is afforded ample opportunity to identify the best part of themselves and to come out of the best part of themselves. In this way, the community, which is the sum of its members also comes out of the best part of itself.

Consistent with the kwans’ heritage, the colors of red ("courage"), white ("virtue") and blue ("fidelity") identify the ideals of the kwan member. The original Hapkido symbol, with its attendant Korean Han-gul characters speaks, in the lesser manner, to the use of Hapkido in developing ones character and accomplishing ones’ mission. In the larger context, the entire symbol seen in the kwan patch speaks to the promotion of balance and harmony by reconciling opposing influences.