Up Bon Kuk Jian


Bon Kuk Geom Beop


a. Attention Stance

b. Bow

c. Unsheathe from left side.

d. Re-sheath to right side

e. Ready Position 



Jikum Dae Jukse (“Hold the Sword; Face the Thief”)


Facing the 6 o’clock position and stepping forward with the right foot, draw the sword by executing a Pommel Strike, followed by an Inside Parry to a Left High Guard position. Retract the right foot to its original starting position and execute a Steep Descending Cut from high left to lower right.


Woo Nae Ryak (“Turn to the Right”) 


From the completion position of the previous cut, and pivoting on the ball of the left foot, swing the right foot back, behind and to the side of the left foot one shoulder width, brushing the right knee against the left knee as you do. Pivoting on the balls of both feet, face the 12 o’clock position, and raise the sword, pommel first, in a High Inverted Parry. 



Jinjun Kyuk Jukse (“Advance Forward to Attack the Thief”) 


Half-step forward with the left foot. Taking a full step with the right foot, pivot the sword about the center point of its axis, and raise the sword overhead. As the right foot finds its final position the sword begins a Steep Descending Cut, from high right to lower left, to Somok (wrist) level. 


Gumkye Doklipse (“Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg”)


Pivoting on the Right foot, bring the sword to High Right Guard position and retract the left knee high and across the midline of the body. You are facing the 6 o’clock position.



Hoo Il Kyuk Se (Rear Single Strike)


Stamping down with the Left foot, raise the sword overhead. Stepping forward with the right foot, the sword begins to descend, from high right to lower left, as the right foot finds its position. Execute a Steep Descending Cut to Somok (wrist) level.  


Gumkye Doklipse (“Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg”)


Pivoting on the Right foot, bring the sword to High Right Guard position and retract the left Knee high and across the midline of the body. You are facing the 12 o’clock position.



Jinjun Kyuk Jukse (“Advance Forward to Attack the Thief”)  


Stepping forward with the right foot, and pivoting the sword about the center point of its axis, raise the sword overhead. As the right foot finds its final position the sword begins a Steep Descending, from high right to lower left,  to Somok (wrist) level. 


Il Jase (Thrusting Stance) 


With right foot forward, coil to the left. Step forward with the left foot then coil to the right. Coming out of the coil thrust to the 12 o’clock position. Sword edge is facing to the right and the target is the notch at the base of the throat. 


Maeng Ho Unlinse (“Wild Tiger Hides in the  Forest ”)  


Withdraw the left foot one walking step as the sword is retracted to Jun Dase (Middle Guard position). Continue to draw the sword back towards the centerline as the right foot steps back one pace and behind the left foot. With the sword aligned with the centerline and the pommel approximately at the height of the Tan Tien (2” below the navel) pivot, clockwise, on the balls of both feet, to the 6 o’clock position, and step forward one step with the left foot, executing a descending Snap-cut. Slip the left foot across in front of the right foot a shoulder-width and pivot a second time, clockwise. 


An Jase (“Wild Goose Character”)  


Transition from Wild Tiger posture to a Left Coil as the right foot steps forward. Follow with a Right Coil as the left foot steps forward. Transition from the Right coil into a thrust to the notch at the base of the throat targeting to the 7 o’clock position with the sword edge facing to the left.   


Jikbu Songsuse (“Jik-boo sends a scroll”)  


Retracting the thrust towards the centerline, execute an Inside parry to the right side. Pivot on the balls of both feet 180 degrees and execute a Straight Thrust to the 1 o’clock position targeting the notch at the base of the throat but with the edge of the sword downwards.  


Balcho Shimase ( “Parting the Grass, Searching for the Snake”)


Withdraw the right foot to a position beside the left foot and then step out with the right foot to the 12 o’clock position. At the same time as the step, retract the thrust and execute a Lower parry to the left side. 


Pyo Doo Ab Jung Se (“Press the Leopards Forehead”)


Coiling to the left side as the left foot steps forward, the coil transitions into the beginning of a descending cut by passing over the crest of the left shoulder as the right foot steps forward. Just prior to the descent of the cut, the left foot skips forward allowing the right foot to be redeployed closer to the target as the cut is performed. Immediately follow with a left coil-right step- right coil-left step combination and concluding with the right foot forward and a thrust to the throat with the blade edge to the left.  NOTE: These two techniques (“Parting the grass…”; “Pressing the Leopard’s…”) are used in conjunction to address an encounter with a pole arm which requires a number of small techniques performed in rapid succession while simultaneously covering as much distance as possible.


Cho Chun Se (“Rising Sun”)


Retract the right foot one step as the sword comes to Jun Dase (Middle Guard position) and continue to raise the sword overhead to Defensive Superior Guard position. As the sword comes overhead, pivot on both feet and turn to the right. With the right foot forward, the sword begins to descend to Jun Dase once again now facing the 6 o’clock position. Step forward one pace with the left and then, begin to raise the sword overhead. While stepping with the right foot, check the forward stepping motion with the right foot stopping even with the left knee.  Pivot on the left foot with the right foot still in the air, then step out with the right foot and execute a Straight Descending Snap-cut to a Middle Guard position. NOTE: The focus of this portion of the form is an attempt to deal with a lasso or a snaring weapon which were both common tools and tactics used at the time for subduing a swordsman.


Zwa Hyub Soo Doo (“Left Insert Animal Head”)


Step forward with the left foot, raising the right foot to a position beside the left knee. The sword is brought to left High Guard position


Hyang Woo Bang Juk Se (“Face Right and Block the Thief”)


Pivot 180 degrees on the ball of the left foot and step down with the right foot towards the 6 o’clock position. The sword tip drops 90 degrees as the turn is made so that the sword blade executes a Horizontal Cut as the left foot steps forward.   


Hoo Il Kyuk Se (Rear Single Strike)


Stamping down with the Left foot, raise the sword overhead. Stepping forward with the right foot, the sword begins to descend as the right foot finds its position. Execute a Steep Descending Cut, from high right to lower left, to Somok (wrist) level.  


Jun Ki Se (“Spread the Flag”)


Proceed to Jun Dase from the final position of the last cut but elevate the sword slightly higher until the guard is about chin level. Begin a downward stroke as the body pivots on the ball of the left foot. The right foot will brush past the left knee as it moves out of the way of the descending blade, which cuts through the location just occupied by the right leg. Continue the Straight Ascending Cut until the turn is complete, now facing the 12 o’clock position and the sword guard is at Forehead level albeit with the sword edge uppermost.


Jin Jun Sal Juk Se (“Advance Forward and Kill the Enemy”)


Turning the sword over, advance one pace with the right foot towards the 12 o’clock position and execute a single Steep Descending Cut from high right to lower left.


Gumkye Doklipse (“Golden Rooster Stands on One Leg”)


Pivoting on the Right foot, bring the sword to Right High Guard position and retract the left knee high and across the midline of the body. You are facing the 6 o’clock position.


Zwa Yo Kyuk Se (“Left Waist Attack”)


Pivot 90 degrees and step down with the left foot to the 3 o’clock position. Stepping forward with the right foot drop the tip of the sword to the outside and begin a Horizontal Cut from right to left. Allow the momentum of the cut to cause the body to turn an additional 180 degrees, on the balls of both feet. The swordsman now faces the 9 o’clock position with the left foot forward and lifted; the cut has past across the body to a position just at the crest of the left shoulder. Effectively, this technique has produced a Horizontal Cut over a complete circle from right to left.


Woo Yo Kyuk Se (“Right Waist Attack”)


Facing the 9 o’clock position and assuming a left High Guard Position, step down with the left foot and step forward with the right foot. Stepping forward with the left foot a second time, drop the tip of the sword to the outside and begin a Horizontal Cut from left to right. Allow the momentum of the cut to cause the body to turn an additional 180 degrees, pivoting on the balls of both feet. The swordsman now faces the 3 o’clock position with the right foot forward and lifted; the cut has past across the body to a position just at the crest of the left shoulder. Effectively, this technique has produced a Horizontal Cut over a complete circle from left to right.


Hoo   Il   Ja Se (“Rear Single Thrust”)


Step down with the right foot in the direction of the 6 o’clock position and retract the sword to a left Inside Parry. Step forward with the left foot and thrust with the blade edge facing left, targeting the notch at the base of the throat. 


Jang Kyo Boon Soo Se (“Long Dragon Spouts Water”)

  Facing the 6 o'clock position, step back with the left foot, retracting and raising the sword. Pivoting counter-clockwise to face the 12 o'clock position, the sword is now overhead and beginning its descent. Continuing to cut down, step forward with the right foot and complete the Steep Descending Cut from high right to lower left, targeting the neck of the opponent.  


Balk Won Chool Dong Se (“White Ape Leaves the Cave")

Facing the 12 o'clock position, step forward with the left foot, and even to the right foot. Raise the right foot while coming to High Guard position and look to the right (3 o'clock position). 


Woo Chan Kyuk Se (" Right Needle Strike") 

Pivoting clockwise 135 degrees to face the 4:30 o'clock position, step out with the right foot and thrust at the opponent's throat with the sword edge to the left side. 


Yong  Yak Il Ja Se ( " Bravely Skip and Single Thrust") 

Retract the sword to Inside parry and pivot on the left foot a second time, turning 225 degrees to face the 12 o'clock position. Set down the right foot beside the left foot and step out with the left foot, thrusting to the 12 o'clock position with the blade edge facing left. 


Hoo Il Kyuk Se (Rear Single Strike)


Facing the 12 o'clock position, step back with the left foot, retracting, and raising, the sword. Pivoting counter-clockwise to face the 6 o'clock position, the sword is now overhead and beginning its descent. Continuing to cut down, step forward with the right foot and complete the Steep Descending Cut, from high right to lower left, targeting the neck.  


Hoo Il Ja Se (“Rear Single Thrust”)


Coil to the left and then, stepping forward with the left foot, coil to the right and transition into a straight thrust to the opponents throat with the blade edge to the left side.  


Hyang Woo Bang Juk Se (“Face Right and Block the Enemy")


Pivot 180 degrees to face the 12 o'clock position retracting the sword from the thrust position slightly but allowing it to remain in a horizontal plain so that the sword blade executes a Horizontal Cut from left to right as the left foot steps forward. 


Hyang Jun Sal Juk Se (“Face front and kill the enemy")


Set the left foot down with a half-step forward while raising the sword to overhead position. Taking a full step with the right foot, execute a Steep Descending Cut. Step forward with the left foot and raising the sword a second time, stepping forward with the right foot and executing a second Steep Descending Cut. 


Shi Woo Sang Jun Se (“Rhinoceros and Ox Face in Battle ”)


Bring your left foot forward into a “Cat” stance, lifting the pommel of the sword to produce a Middle Inverted Parry, so that the blade of the sword forms a shielding surface along the right side of the body. As the tip should now be angled forward moderately, towards your opponent’s knee, step forward with the right foot into a forward stance and thrust down at the inner thigh with the blade edge facing to the left. 


Jik Kum Dae Juk Se (“Hold the Sword; Face the Thief”)


Facing the 12 o’clock position, retract the sword to Middle Guard position. Pivoting on the balls of both feet, turn to face the 6 o’clock position as the sword comes to first Right High Guard and then, as the left foot is retracted to Jun Bee, transition the sword to Left High Guard position.


 Re-sheath the sword.