What is Academic Hapkido?

Academic Hapkido is not a new art. Rather it is a fundamental reorganization of Yon Moo Kwan Hapkido techniques and material; that is, a change in the manner by which the art is taught. As with many areas of Education in Western Culture, the academic approach to the Hapkido arts provides a  logical progression from the simplest to most complex unarmed techniques and finally to weapons training. Unlike the traditional presentation of Hapkido material in which the practitioner is asked to master disparate techniques defined by application, the academic approach invites the student to learn in a logical progression building later levels of expertise on earlier levels of mastery. In this way Academic Hapkido produces four major advantages to the Hapkido practitioner.


bulletRetention. Using the Academic Hapkido approach, students have a logical format to help them organize their art. This allows them to experience a wider range of techniques and recall those techniques for additional practice and comparison.
bulletGoals: Using the Academic approach assists the student in identifying how far and how fast they care to progress. With a clear understanding of how the art is organized and progresses, a student is able to make informed choices about their Martial art training just as with any other educational experience.
bulletProgress: Using the academic approach insures that the student is consistently aware of their place in the curriculum and what skills require their attention at any given time.
bulletSimplification: Using the academic approach respects the incorporation of Korean culture in classroom instruction at the discretion of the instructor and as the ability of the students provides. By organizing techniques in a logical fashion, and reducing some cultural aspects of the art, the academic approach allows the practitioner to focus primarily on improvement of their skills and their personal growth.

If you have further questions about this approach to Hapkido instruction please contact us at Midwest Hapkido  (847-265-2775).